Monday, November 14, 2011

Thank You 2PM :')

This is from the hottest.
I didn’t know I was going to tell you like this
No words were enough
I couldn’t say anything
I was so thankful
I didn’t know what to do
Why do you like me
Why do you choose me among so many people
What I could do for you is so lacking
So I made this song for you
So I thank you thank you thank you
and I love you love you love you
I wasn’t able to do anything for you,
But you just keep on giving without stopping
So I thank you thank you thank you
and I love you love you love you
Because of the love you gave me,
I’m standing here like this
I know how difficult it is
to live while loving me
But you keep standing in that place
without any change
Just for me
Why don’t you turn around
It must be so tiring for you, why do keep loving me
I didn’t know how to repay you again
So I made this song
So I thank you thank you thank you
and I love you love you love you
I wasn’t able to do anything for you,
But you just keep on giving without stopping
So I thank you thank you thank you
and I love you love you love you
Because of the love you gave me,
I’m standing here like this
That heart of yours,
The tears you cried,
All that, I.won’
So I thank you thank you thank you
and I love you love you love you
I wasn’t able to do anything for you,
But you just keep on giving without stopping
So I thank you thank you thank you
and I love you love you love you
Because of the love you gave me,
I’m standing here like this
--> Listen to this song

Sunday, September 18, 2011

The Month of September

This September is a very special month for me. A month full of excitement and unforgettable moments. A month of holiday: Lebaran holiday plus the semester holiday that not yet over. A month full of friends' and cousins' birthday. A month that I can meet up with my old school friends especially with the LONG LOST FRIEND, UNYIL (RIDIAN SAHULEKA)... Although he studied at Binus Inter with me; however, we rarely met each others. Moreover, he took furlough for one year if I'm not mistaken... He is doing his family business...That's why we meet up again yesterday at PI and GI ;)

August 30 - September 6

August 30 - September 6 --> Thailand: Pattaya, Bangkok, Chiangrai, Chiangmai, Phuket

September 9

September 9 --> Cathline's, Grelman's & Avi's birthday

September 15

September 15 --> Christine & Glenn's birthday & Stejo and I going to Kez's house

September 17

September 17 --> Stevie's birthday & meet up with my old school friends: Bella, Kresta, Ridian, Gaby, Yusakh

September 18

September 18 --> Stefanie's birthday

September 21-26 --> Beijing I'm coming
September 22 --> cc Flo's birthday

Monday, August 29, 2011


I made myself a trademark. This represent that my writings were originally written by me. 
It has a copyright. By this means, I have the right to distribute my writings and not others. However, everyone still can read my writings deliberately. Please enjoy reading for free! And I'm really appreciate for those who give comments... ^^

I have chosen my trademark. The bottom right is my trademark ;)
Happy Reading (",)

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Mengetahui Kehendak Allah

Apakah kalian tahu kehendak Allah buat kalian dan bagaimana caranya mengetahui itu kehendak Allah apa bukan? Pernahkah kita bertanya kepada Tuhan bahwa apakah ini jalan yg harus aku ambil apa bukan?  Seringkali kita memilih utk mengikuti kehendak diri kita sendiri (padahal kan Tuhan yg tau apa yg kita butuh). Kita hanya ingin jawaban dari Tuhan tanpa mau menunggu.

Sebenarnya apa kehendak Allah? Kehendak Allah bagi umatNya adalah segala sesuatu yg Allah inginkan terjadi dalam hidup umatNya. Kehendak Allah yg utama adalah supaya kita mengenal Dia dan menjadi serupa dengan Kristus. Kita harus mengenal Allah terlebih dahulu utk mengetahui kehendakNya. 

Kenapa kita perlu tau dan mentaati kehendak Allah?

Monday, August 15, 2011


a sestet
With final exams have ended,
A vacation is starting
Free from projects
Instead chores and responsibilities
Accomplishing certain achievements
Delightedly it is a holiday!

Holiday should be fun
If there's something possible to do
Holiday should be enjoyed
Every time we pleasure it
This can treasure the best moment
In life I dreamed

Alone in the house,
Family and friends are travelling
Uncover my shelter,
From the bed, I just rouse
Morning till evening,
Nothing to think about an hour

Cause this is holiday
Plans are set
With the right time and place
Scheduled to leave Indonesia
Our blessed country
The time had come to say goodbye

Meanwhile, naught to be admired
Lies a simple, ordinary life
Eating, sleeping, watching are my activities
Soothe every second
That's holiday mood
Leisurely relish the strains of the songs

Haven't learnt how to drive
I cannot go anywhere
Perhaps settle down a little
Upon a chair I might write
A poem about my life:
Holiday                                                                               ~ Christy Widjaja (DBC™) ~

Saturday, August 13, 2011

A Princess ♛

Who you are in your eyes
An ordinary girl
Not so much talking
Keeping things in herself

She loves music
Especially an instrumental
And jazz songs she listens
Played in her iTouch

Don't care about what others see
Becoming just the way she is
What to wear, use, and put on
She stays gorgeous

Awesome does she look
With her brown-reddish hair
A simple semi-formal dress
Constantly beautiful with no make-up

Everyone can't notice this girl
Except her adorable face
Searching everywhere,
Turns out a princess coming

The whole ballroom are stunned
Can't let their eyes of her
Changed the atmosphere
Into silence

Her inner beauty
Made her into a princess
That guys have been appreciated it
The kind of girl they want

Smile was her face
As if in the Cinderella story
She is the alluring one
In her own party celebration

And a prince finds her
There's no other woman in his life
Above all others that a man might see
For he had waited these long

Soon they will get married
He will make her happy, he promised.
To have a happy life
Becoming her as his wife                                            ~ Christy Widjaja (DBC™) ~

Friday, August 5, 2011

Nodame Cantabile...

Megumi Noda, or "Nodame" is a piano student at Momogaoka College of Music. An extremely talented pianist who wants to be a kindergarten teacher, she prefers playing by ear rather than reading the music score. She is messy and disorganized, takes baths several days apart and loves to eat, sometimes stealing her friend's lunchbox when it is filled with delicacies.

Shinichi Chiaki, is Momogaoka's top student. Born into a musical family, he is talented in piano and violin and has secret ambitions to become a conductor. An arrogant multi-lingual perfectionist who once lived abroad in the music capitals of the world as a young boy, he feels mired in Japan because of a childhood phobia.They meet by accident. Nodame quickly falls in love, but it takes much longer for Chiaki to even begin to appreciate Nodame's unusual qualities. Their relationship causes them both to develop and grow. Because of Nodame, Chiaki got the opportunity to lead a student orchestra and begins to have a broader appreciation of people's musical abilities. Because of Chiaki, Nodame faces her fears and enters a piano competition. Opportunities open up as both begin taking risks, stretching themselves far more than they ever thought possible.

Monday, July 11, 2011


an octet
No near place like this
Only you and me remembers
The movie that we watch
Looking at our memories
In my memories,
You are the one who stopped me
Cease from being with me
And now I missed you

In a long distance,
Search till find you
Promise me that you will not
Love me, I don't wanna let you abdicate me
Stay with you,
Soothe the whole day
A daybreak in May
In a sunny bay

Everyday, month, years, we passed through
A hidden place
Place to entrust each other
An enchanted journey,
Nowhere to express
Impeccable and flabbergasted!
This remote area,
A rendezvous where we could possible meet

Down the road of mystery
Sprinkling water touches us
We took a glance
Seeking what's lost
Somehow makes me retrace back
The moments of togetherness
Shuffling our playlist continually
Repeatedly in our heart

For you, I will do anything
With you, I will not depart
In you, I believe
Together we live
Nothing can separate us
For you, I will not love anyone
Only you
Who belongs with me                                                       ~ Christy Widjaja (DBC™) ~

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

The Ringing of the Sound, but Never Hear the Sound

a sonnet  “Dedicated to Indonesia

Seventeen years I have been living
Enjoying my life now
To the world full of poverty
Nothing more or less has this country changed
The world pleases men
And men are pleased by the world
Corruption is everywhere
Controlled by money
To feed their family’s need
Things that people cannot live with
Rose up from the death
Open up their mind
Sadly to hear that news
Awareness should be in them

Morning seems as the night
The sky without the light
The ringing of the sound
Makes it pound
Terribly wound
How strange?
Facing the reality
Seeing every tears are dropping
I am sure you do
A saddened heart will I have
Crying for mercy and peace
For them, the people, Indonesia
Their joy becomes their lust
Life of an everlasting

Tend to be strangers
As if they did not know what happen
Oh! Help them!
Uttering from their mouth
Words of harshness
Empty was their mind
Caring and helping
Neither will they do
That is life
Having life more than what they expected
Changes did emerged
With good results did they bear
Smile was their face
Which helps them till the end

From now on, from this day
All I have to say:
Hear me God, for You dwell in this world
Who created the Earth
The people and everything in it
Help them open their eyes
Ended these catastrophe
Give them strength
To encounter obstacles
Give them sight to see
To surrender their lives to Him
And my heart will become peace
Filled with love, joy, and hope

What they dreamed is a reality now
Hereinafter, it was indeed a summon
From God who listen
Our prayer till the end
In silence and darkness,
Let peace be dominating
The world without doldrums
Dreadful things begone
We want to live
In a place where rivers are flowing
Birds are flying
The sun is shining
A place where we will always be:

                                                                                  ~ Christy Widjaja (DBC™) ~

Saturday, July 2, 2011

2PM - Hands Up MV

Introducing 2PM... ;)
Nickhun, Taecyeon, Wooyoung, Chansung, Junho, and Junsu

Tuesday, June 28, 2011


i was in one restaurant
on one fine monday
ordering my lunch
to fuel me for the day

the radio played its songs
happy and cheerful indeed..
i finally got my meal
and started to feed

i ate a mouthful of it
and it did light up my mood
i ate another mouthful
as it was so tasty a food

then an old lady came
With a basket of snacks
From outside the door
her face was not relaxed

She came to me
And offered her snacks
Her face did indeed
Show lots of facts

Wrinkled was her face
And white was her hair
Her voice was soft and weak
Oh life seemed so unfair

Her trembling old hands
Did put the snack on the table
I looked at how she dressed
And it was quite terrible

Tattered pink dress
Dirty and looked old
It was the difficulty
That life did unfold

“young boy, here is a snack,
Tasty, delicious and colorful.”
So she said to me,
Hoping that I’d be helpful

I looked into her eyes
When she gave her offer
It was a pleading
Not only just an offer

A question aroused in my mind
“oh why does life seem so unfair?
Treating her so hard and rude
And make her live her years in despair!!”

Then the waiter came in between
And told her to go away.
A pity, she packed her snacks
With nothing at all to say

But I saw her life in her eyes
And I felt the pain she must bear
As she lifted her baskets
Oh why does life seem so unfair?

she walked away slowly
with heavy baskets in her hands
she seemed exhausted and tired
with the pain none understands

I looked at her and started to think
“why can’t anyone care?
I am lucky, she is not.
Oh why does life seem so unfair?”

She walked slowly outside
Hoping someone would buy 
the snacks that she has made
i imagined her life, and i sighed

Why does life seem so unfair?
An old lady with her burden
Living her days with difficulty
Weakened, and disheartened

homeless people in the streets
They sleep in the streets alone
They live from what we give
Their happiness rarely shown

Babies sold by their parents
Just for the sake of money
It is sad, it is cruel
And for them, life isn’t easy

So many people in the world
Live in such despair
They live their desperate lives
In a world so unfair

They barely have enough
To give to their children
They live together
In a life so darkened

Those people beg for bread
They all need hope,and love
Somehow they still pray
For help from God Above..

we go to sleep with a smile
They sleep with tears on the face
Wondering about tomorrow
And the obstacles they will face

I look at myself
And feel so lucky
But when I look at them
I feel so sorry..

Why do they have to live
With such burden to bear
And faces with no smile
Oh life is just so unfair!

God, give them happiness
As much as I have now
Life…seems too unfair…
And I hope You realize by now..

                                                          * a poem by Darius Widjaja

Monday, June 6, 2011

Purpose of Life

Imagining what life would be,
Without God in control
Seems lonely
Feels there's no strength

That's because of Him
Living in our heart
In our heart,
Believes that God lives

Right here, we stand
To fulfill the purpose of life
A life full of hope, faith, and love
Help us to have one

Finding God's purpose of life,
Each of us should search for it
Becoming what is called Life
A call for a life

Hoping in silence,
There's no answer
Waiting with faith,
For just an answer

An answer to our life
Open doors will come to a light
The turning back of life
It's just too awesome

Now I can see
But blinded by Your Greatness
Now that I can hear
Harmonious choir's voice singing

What is our purpose of life?
How would we want our life to be like?
Is it in good way or in bad way?
In light or in darkness....                                            ~ Christy Widjaja (DBC™) ~

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Journey through Life

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step

If we never take the step we will never go anywhere

If you have taken the first step ...

The journey would seem like a never ending one

But it is only for a while ...

As you persevere ... step by step one will travel far

Never, never, never ... despise a small beginning

Every great achievement .... always start with something small

Commit yourself to be consistent in whatever you do

Monday, May 16, 2011


Ketika aku msh kecil, wkt itu ibuku sdg menyulam sehelai kain. Aku yg sdg bermain di lantai, melihat ke atas & bertanya, apa yg ia lakukan. Ia menerangkan bhw ia sdg menyulam sesuatu di atas sehelai kain. Ttp aku memberitahu kpdnya, bhw yg kulihat dr bawah adlh benang ruwet.

Ibu dgn tersenyum memandangiku & berkata dgn lembut:

“Anakku, lanjutkanlah permainanmu, sementara ibu menyelesaikan sulaman ini; nanti stlh selesai, km akan kupanggil & kududukkan di atas pangkuan ibu dan km dpt melihat sulaman ini dr atas.”

Aku heran, mengapa ibu menggunakan benang hitam & putih, bgtu Semrawut menurut pandanganku. Bbrp saat kmdian, aku mendengar suara ibu memanggil; ” anakku, mari kesini, & duduklah di pangkuan ibu. “

Waktu aku lakukan itu, aku heran & kagum melihat bunga-bunga yg indah, dgn latar blkng pemandangan matahari yg sdng terbit, sungguh indah sekali. Aku hampir tdk percaya melihatnya, krn dr bawah yg aku lihat hnylah benang-benang yg ruwet.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Audit... audit... audit

Dipikir2 jd auditor kok ribet banget sih.. harus tau ini harus tau itu.. auditor harus tau everything about both accounting and auditing jg... HAHA... kalo jd accountant, ga seribet itu ah.. accountant cuma perlu tau principles of accounting, record transactions, taro di income statements ato statement of financial statements, etc... sedangkan auditing itu harus punya basic accounting sama harus experience dibidang accounting dlu. Terlebih dari itu, auditor harus org yg independence and competence. Kalo mau jd auditor, harus memenuhi banyak criteria dan bakal kena sue kalo ada apa2 dgn material misstatement in the financial statement due to errors especially frauds. Kan employee kadang2 sengaja (ada intention or opportunities) utk melakukan frauds such as fraudulent financial reporting and misappropriation of assets. Trus kalo ada error or frauds, the auditor has to gather evidence related to the case. Ga sembarangan jg auditor gather evidence. The evidence must be appropriate and sufficient.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Recommended movie :D

Playful Kiss
Crazy Little Thing Called Love

Hello Stranger

Dream High

Saturday, February 19, 2011

New Semester *again*

Oh nein!! Semester 4 is in front of us in two more days.... Is the holiday enough?? Do you enjoy these semester holiday? I guess not,, With two weeks of holiday PLUS the D'abc event, I think it is not enough and i'm not ready for this upcoming semester >_< Whether it is holiday or not holiday, I have to come to my lovely campus BINUS..... Therefore, it is useless we are complaining about this few days of holiday BECAUSE we have to still  come for Monday, February 21st, 2011... ^^ :D
Byee 3rd semester; Welcomee 4th semester... with new experiences, new lectures, new subjects, new outcomes, and improved scores!

*study hard, diligent, do more work n less play, more alert, good time management, etc...*

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Precious Moment of Life

Everything has its time
No one can steal every second of it
How precious our time is

If there's no time,
What can the world do for us
The world make things happen into nothing

A quote says," Time is money"
And money is a valuable things
Therefore, time is very valuable

We always say that 'we need more time'
However, there's only 24 hours in a DAY
Can u imagine?
How can u finished all d works in ONE DAY

It's really terrible
Time can took away every moment of life
Once it happens in you

Procrastination is the best way
To delay what u have, if
Time is ours
And we are the time

Gone by the wind
I cannot find
Fly like a bird,
All run away to the highest peak

I was left alone
On the lower level of the ground
No one can't help me
They've already at the peak of the mountain

RUN, Run, rUn, ruN, run!!!!!
There's still much time for u to run
And u'll find it
Till u reach the TIME                                                       

                                                                                  ~ Christy Widjaja (DBC™) ~

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Time Goes By

As soon as I was born,
I want to become a successful person
Reach the goals I've dream
Becoming who I am

In the struggling time of my life,
My eyes are blind
I cannot see them again
The world turns back down

But since I've been with You for years,
I feel like somewhat different with You
I sometimes thinking of ....
Miracles that happen to me

With You, my life has been changed
My journey of life seems amazing to me
This is the first time I feel like
Heavenly being touch by Him

Nobody can change this feeling
In my heart, there's only You
Just You and me
And between we together 

Because this feeling really incredible,
My feeling just turn out strangely
As if I had never experience like one
This is a special moment of mine

When I first met Him, I feel that there's ....
Like something in touch with Him
The way He's speaking makes Him the best

Therefore, this man is God
This poem I dedicated to God
That always protect and give love to us
Everywhere n everytime in challenges
Thank u God
I love u so much :D  

*A poem of me when I'm thinking of Him

*I was written the poem waiting for ....
*My father to pick me up

                                                                                             ~ Christy Widjaja (DBC™) ~

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