Tuesday, July 5, 2011

The Ringing of the Sound, but Never Hear the Sound

a sonnet  “Dedicated to Indonesia

Seventeen years I have been living
Enjoying my life now
To the world full of poverty
Nothing more or less has this country changed
The world pleases men
And men are pleased by the world
Corruption is everywhere
Controlled by money
To feed their family’s need
Things that people cannot live with
Rose up from the death
Open up their mind
Sadly to hear that news
Awareness should be in them

Morning seems as the night
The sky without the light
The ringing of the sound
Makes it pound
Terribly wound
How strange?
Facing the reality
Seeing every tears are dropping
I am sure you do
A saddened heart will I have
Crying for mercy and peace
For them, the people, Indonesia
Their joy becomes their lust
Life of an everlasting

Tend to be strangers
As if they did not know what happen
Oh! Help them!
Uttering from their mouth
Words of harshness
Empty was their mind
Caring and helping
Neither will they do
That is life
Having life more than what they expected
Changes did emerged
With good results did they bear
Smile was their face
Which helps them till the end

From now on, from this day
All I have to say:
Hear me God, for You dwell in this world
Who created the Earth
The people and everything in it
Help them open their eyes
Ended these catastrophe
Give them strength
To encounter obstacles
Give them sight to see
To surrender their lives to Him
And my heart will become peace
Filled with love, joy, and hope

What they dreamed is a reality now
Hereinafter, it was indeed a summon
From God who listen
Our prayer till the end
In silence and darkness,
Let peace be dominating
The world without doldrums
Dreadful things begone
We want to live
In a place where rivers are flowing
Birds are flying
The sun is shining
A place where we will always be:

                                                                                  ~ Christy Widjaja (DBC™) ~

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