Tuesday, June 28, 2011


i was in one restaurant
on one fine monday
ordering my lunch
to fuel me for the day

the radio played its songs
happy and cheerful indeed..
i finally got my meal
and started to feed

i ate a mouthful of it
and it did light up my mood
i ate another mouthful
as it was so tasty a food

then an old lady came
With a basket of snacks
From outside the door
her face was not relaxed

She came to me
And offered her snacks
Her face did indeed
Show lots of facts

Wrinkled was her face
And white was her hair
Her voice was soft and weak
Oh life seemed so unfair

Her trembling old hands
Did put the snack on the table
I looked at how she dressed
And it was quite terrible

Tattered pink dress
Dirty and looked old
It was the difficulty
That life did unfold

“young boy, here is a snack,
Tasty, delicious and colorful.”
So she said to me,
Hoping that I’d be helpful

I looked into her eyes
When she gave her offer
It was a pleading
Not only just an offer

A question aroused in my mind
“oh why does life seem so unfair?
Treating her so hard and rude
And make her live her years in despair!!”

Then the waiter came in between
And told her to go away.
A pity, she packed her snacks
With nothing at all to say

But I saw her life in her eyes
And I felt the pain she must bear
As she lifted her baskets
Oh why does life seem so unfair?

she walked away slowly
with heavy baskets in her hands
she seemed exhausted and tired
with the pain none understands

I looked at her and started to think
“why can’t anyone care?
I am lucky, she is not.
Oh why does life seem so unfair?”

She walked slowly outside
Hoping someone would buy 
the snacks that she has made
i imagined her life, and i sighed

Why does life seem so unfair?
An old lady with her burden
Living her days with difficulty
Weakened, and disheartened

homeless people in the streets
They sleep in the streets alone
They live from what we give
Their happiness rarely shown

Babies sold by their parents
Just for the sake of money
It is sad, it is cruel
And for them, life isn’t easy

So many people in the world
Live in such despair
They live their desperate lives
In a world so unfair

They barely have enough
To give to their children
They live together
In a life so darkened

Those people beg for bread
They all need hope,and love
Somehow they still pray
For help from God Above..

we go to sleep with a smile
They sleep with tears on the face
Wondering about tomorrow
And the obstacles they will face

I look at myself
And feel so lucky
But when I look at them
I feel so sorry..

Why do they have to live
With such burden to bear
And faces with no smile
Oh life is just so unfair!

God, give them happiness
As much as I have now
Life…seems too unfair…
And I hope You realize by now..

                                                          * a poem by Darius Widjaja

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