Sunday, December 12, 2010


Things can changed
You will have to wait
Depressed can't solve the problems
That pinned upon my heart
Hidden from aside
No one can help
Reading your diary,
I will do
Understand your word,
I promise
However, nothing can do better
Better for the two of us

I would like to apologize
The mistakes that I have done
Regret will not help
Forget the moment of togetherness
Sadness may endureth
Heading to the airport
Flew to the highest peak of life
Where LOVE can be found

It's all over again
Scattered away
Like the paper blew by the wind
Saw from above,
Just a broken piece of glasses
Endangered our life
The blood that flowing from our hand
Indeed made it hurts

And when my life back to normal,
With my open-minded
I realize what did I have done
Why do I do stupid such these?
Then, a question aroused in my mind,
Things can changed
Believing is the best way
If we believe in ourselves,
Changes will come

Then I believe in myself
Hoping that the changes will come
One day...
Smiling was occured on my face
My face was terribly happy
Even to queue in a long row
Treating as a king and a queen in a castle
I wish I would be one of them... Hehehe                                 

Unfinished journey... I will continue later ;)

                                                                                      ~ Christy Widjaja (DBC™) ~

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Why It Has to be "You"?

And again, I'm being an idiot for a stupid kind of love that I'm also cannot imagine,, hahaha... It's very difficult for me to forget those memories in my head :S It's natural, right? In my case of "loving someone", it is easy, but it cannot be say that it is hard. It takes time, not a simple process! A quote from my friend: if you want to forget about him, you must find another man that can cover your sadness. However, I don't want to find another guy first... I'm still young, you know :P I have to focus on my study first, then it's up to me when is the time... wkwk... At my teenage age right now, do I need someone special? Absolutely no... but yah it's for my own interest.. ^^

"Just because someone isn't in your life anymore, doesn't mean that memories aren't in your heart"

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Tuhan, aku ingin punya pacar.... ت

“Kenapa?” tanya Tuhan tiba-tiba. Aku yang lagi bengong tiba-tiba sadar.

“Apa?” tanyaku.

“Kenapa kamu pengen punya pacar?” Tuhan bertanya lagi. Kali ini lebih lengkap.

“Kok?” aku yang sejak tadi cuma bengong tanpa ngomong apa-apa agak kaget juga waktu Tuhan nanya langsung gak pake basa basi lagi. Yah, seperti biasanya, aku juga udah tau sih kalo Tuhan tau pikiranku.

“Hueee… Tuhan langsung nembak gitu nanyanya, aku kan jadi malu.” Kataku ngeles.
Tuhan cuma senyum kecil.

“Iya, iya, kenapa ya?” aku mencari-cari alasan yang mungkin akan membuat Tuhan mengabulkan teriakan hatiku yang barusan kedengeran sama Tuhan.

“Karena…” aku mulai dengan nada sedatar-datarnya. “Karena, Tuhan bilang gak baik kalo manusia sendirian, butuh penolong. Iya kan? Untuk bermultiplikasi. Hehehe…” 
Ga yakin dengan jawabanku, aku menundukkan kepala, menyembunyikan senyumku, menggigit bibirku.

“Nyari jawaban yang alkitabiah ya?” Tuhan sok nebak-nebak.

Mukaku memerah. Aku tau Tuhan juga uda tau kenapa aku teriak pengen punya pacar di dalem hati. 
Aku pengen ada yang sayang-sayang, ada yang perhatiin, biar ga kesepian, dan ada yang cariin terus. 
Hehe… bukannya begitu ya keinginan setiap cewek single yang lagi menanti pacar?

Saturday, October 9, 2010

God's Miracle

God's Miracle is indeed happening around us.. A week ago, Roy is planning to celebrate Kezee's birthday and today is the time! We invite kezee to eat @ the Nest, Kuningan Place... where roy inhabited this apartment.. the environment is good to eat at the nest, but it's open at 11, and now the clock still strikes 10.. we moved to another restaurant, Ranch Market @ Oakwood, Mega Kuningan... it's very near from there ^^

With my DSLR camera, everyone is excited to take photos! lol... roy and louis eat Dori Fish; kezee and I eat Turkey steak! ;) what a pleasant food, environment, and friends ~(^_^)~

Our stomach is occupied by all those foods :D next destination is go back to the apartment again to meet Paul.. because he is the person who brought the surprise for Kezee! aw aw aw, it's a flower!! Photo sessions are being held again with the birthday girl... UNFORTUNATELY, Jessica was unable to come (>_<)

On our way back to the car after eating, Roy forgot the parking ticket... aduhh... searching all around the car, we did not find the ticket :( And, sound was ringing from his car... ohh it's sms from God! ehhh,, when he is flipping his Bible once, it turns out the ticket was there!! Praise God!! 

At last, we do not pay for the charge of the lost ticket :D:D Yipee!!
God's miracle is indeed happening all around us ;)

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Ignorant !!

Have you ever feel that you are taught by the teacher and felt like it is not important or we already heard it before? However, the teacher has the responsibility to teach and to tell about the subject.. lagian jg, kadang2 anak2 nya yg bandel...

Sebel ga sih jika kita diajarin guru, tp gurunya ga mengajarkan kita ttng sesuatu hal yg baru? itu mungkin terjadi pas kita ga mendengarkan gurunya ato gurunya yg ga bisa mengajarkan kepada kita... tp kasus ini berbeda yg di alami oleh itin sama kezee...*

di satu sisi lain, kalo kita menjadi guru itu, kita mau ngomong something that is really important to them, and the students did not really care about it, pasti guru itu sebel and marah kan?? itu yg aku mau ngomongin disini.. bahwa seandainya kita menjadi guru gitu, apakah yg kita rasakan terhadap situasi itu...

Friday, September 17, 2010

Being an idiot ???

I'm feel like an idiot n I just realize that I'm an idiot today! Love stories always introduce many of us into what is called "dream" "fantasy"... Our mind already focuses to "that" someone... HAHA... we are as the idiot who cannot think and forgot what the last thing we do. I experience that moment which I forget all things and I concentrated my life to "that" guy. The guy that I do not know before... ^^ Wasting time, wasting energy to think about a MAN -.- What an idiot thing to do??

The time when I looked at him and passed by him, I am very excited and my best friends always says, "Dut, u are so blushing :$..." I'm just smiling :) My act is always like that when I saw him ^^ (idiot thing)

When we talk about love, we definitely have the feel that is elusive (hard to describe) and we just think about ourselves. We have the feel of attraction and people will feel awkward about us... Our enthusiasm/ eager arise suddenly without we realized it. This feel comes up under our consciousness. However, this lovesick problem cannot become the base or the foundation to where we lie our eternal love...

  Just share what I have read from the book "When God Writes Your Love Story"

Sunday, September 5, 2010


thanks to Paul, Roy, Jess, n Kez... u light up my day n I will never forgot that moments where we have fun at Kezee's house ^^

The day when we all gathered up to have a plan visiting Kezee's house ends up very exciting and interesting. Fortunately, we also can see her father ^^,. Walking door by door, we could see her house and her bedroom with her dressing closet and toilet in it... (what a great room!, I want to have one like that :P) Three till five steps, we can sit nearby where Kezee and her brother play with her computer. There are many family pictures posted on the wall. @ Kezee, u are very grateful to have ur wonderful family =D
One of our stomach sounds hungry... hmm :S................. LET'S EAT!!!

@Kezee's bro's room
in front of Kezee's house
Be prepared Kezee for the cockroach!! For the small cockroach, it's ok for me. However, the big one is really disgusting and nasty :( Luckily, Roy's car is full with the small cockroach... Fiuhh! Jess, Paul, and I are courageous to hit it.. (tapi kan kasian :P) All the way to the resto and the way back from the resto, Kezee are uneasy and feel uncomfortable to sit at the car >_<

eat at Bintaro
Kezee's recommendation to eat @ Burger and Grill, Bintaro ;) Wew!! our clothes look colorful today,, (padahal ga janjian loh hihi ^^) Jess n I are eating grilled spaghetti and bluberry pancake that day <3... Roy ate blueberry pancake too... Kezee ate bradwurst hotdog :0... last, Paul ate fried rice with grilled chicken! To sum up all what we ate on 1st September, 2010, are paid by Roy (",) THANKS TO ROY!

Burger & Grill
Trio Glasses
Times Up!! it's time for me to end this story at the same time to end this Bintaro visit with Kezee.... hehe xP The time for us to say goodbye and next time, we will visit Bintaro or another interesting places... Actually, my wish is to go to Bogor to visit Christine's house n to eat at her restaurant ^^, but let's see... We don't have a plan yet!

Friday, September 3, 2010


      Kapan pun kita berusaha untuk mencari-cari celah, saat itulah kita mulai bersikap tidak taat. —JAL
Tuhan, tolonglah kami ‘tuk berserah kepada-Mu,
Untuk mengikut dan menaati-Mu,
Daripada mencari-cari celah
‘Tuk membela perbuatan dosa kami. 
Apa pun alasan yang kita buat untuk tidak menaati Allah,
Dia tetap menyebutnya sebagai ketidaktaatan.

Monday, August 16, 2010

ABC of Friendship

A - Accepts you as you are
B - Believes in you
C - Calls you just to say “hi”
D - Doesn’t give up on you
E - Envisions the whole of you, even the unfinished parts
F - Forgives your mistakes
G - Gives unconditionally
H - Helps you
I - Intimately knows you inside-out
J - Jolly at your company
K - Keeps you close at heart
L - Loves you for who you are
M - Makes a difference in your life
N - Never judges
O - Offers ceaseless supports
P - Picks you up
Q - Quiets your fear
R - Raises your spirit
S - Says nice things about you
T - Tells you the truth when you need to hear it
U - Understands you
V - Values you
W - Walks beside you
X - Xplains when you won’t listen
Z - Zaps you back to reality!
Figure your own ABC’s! :)

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

all of a sudden love Korea films! -.-

You're Beautiful


I shouldnt have done that,
I should have pretended not to know
like I didnt see it, like I couldnt see it
I shouldnt have looked at you in the first place
I should have run away,
I should have pretended I wasnt listening
like I didnt hear it, like I couldnt hear it
I shouldnt have heard your love in the first place
Without a word you made me know love
Without a word you gave me love
Because you took just a breath and ran away like this
Without a word love leaves me
Without a word love abandons me
Wondering what to say next, my lips were surprised
Because it came without a word.
Why does it hurt so much?
Why does it hurt continuously?
Except for the fact that I can’t see you anymore
And that you’re not here anymore
Otherwise it’s the same as before
Without a word you made me know love
Without a word you gave me love
Because you took just a breath and ran away like this
Without a word love leaves me
Without a word love abandons me
Wondering what to say next, my lips were surprised

Monday, June 14, 2010

Traditional vs. Modern

wondering about the term above, I made my conclusion through my own observations...
Traditional means something old, but natural; whereas, Modern/ Luxury means something new and improved. I want to ask u guys, "Can I use both of them together?" meaning that I combined the traditional with the modern. It seems like that modern has revolt many things..

Many new technologies and inventions have been exist to this world. However, it causes many people to be lazy and do not work hard for their own future. Although there are many advantages to this case, I think that if we possible use by our own hand, why we have to use machine? I do not agree with the world of machine.. Everything use machine or remote where we just sit and the remote will do it for us.. :( it makes people lazy. We can use machine, but on the other hand, we are created by God to be smart!

Everything is about money. Money can buy anything. Gadgets such as laptop, hand phone, etc are distractions. For example,  what is the purpose of a hand phone? to communicate with people, to send messenge, etc.. On the other hand, many people use hand phone not for their purposes. Besides that, they use hand phone for chatting and not doing productive thing. In this case, I actually doing these things also, but I want to change! Btw, it is ok for us to use hand phone for chatting, but what we are doing right now are annoying or distract us from God's purpose?? There is no limit to where we should limit it, but we should know our capabilities and realize how important it is... By our own thoughts, it is distract us. You can think of another example by yourself.. hehe :)

Another example: GUN! dorrr >_<
The purpose of guns is to shoot bad people. Nowadays, many people uses guns for playing. In addition, guns are used to threatened people that are not wrong.. what in this world can be like strangers -.-

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Jangan Takut Berkarya Walau Kita Masih Muda


Tulisan oleh Gracea Vebby (Gea), 18 th.; Ilustrasi/Wallpaper oleh Heri Kurniawan, 21 th*
Teman2 KAMU yang terkasih..
Kita sebagai kaum muda yang merupakan generasi penerus Gereja harus berani 
menjadi terang dan garam dunia. Tentunya dalam porsi kita masing2Setiap kita 
memiliki talenta yang berbeda-beda. Bapa telah mengaruniakan dan membekali 
anak-anaknya dengan kemampuan yang beragam, dengan maksud agar kita 
mengembangkannya, seperti perumpamaan tentang talenta dalam Injil Matius 
(Mat. 25:14-30).
Dalam pelayanan kita, kita tidak harus menjadi matahari yang gagah dan mampu
menyinari setiap penjuru dunia. Cukuplah menjadi lilin kecil yang rela meleleh 
untuk menerangi ruang yang gelap dan kosong.
Beberapa dari antara kita mungkin ada yang berpikiran, “Untuk apa aku 
melayani? Males ah.. Itu adalah tugas mereka orang dewasa.” Atau ada juga yang 
berpikiran, “Aku ini masih muda, apa yang bisa aku lakukan dengan segala 

Justru kita (baca: kaum muda)-lah masa depan Gereja. Bila 
tidak dimulai dari sekarang, kapan lagi??
Bukan tunggu nanti sudah tua kita baru mau melayani. Melayani itu tidak 
semata-mata berdiri di depan mimbar, menjadi singer, pemain musik, atau hal-hal 
lain yang indentik dengan “tampil ke muka umum”. Namun, melayani dalam arti 
yang sesungguhnya (paling tidak bagi saya) adalah dimana kita berani menjadi 
saksi Kristus lewat tingkah laku kita yang konkrit dengan segala keberadaan
dan kerelaan hati kita. Menurut saya, itu sudah cukup untuk menjadi seorang 
pelayan sejati.
Dalam melayani pasti ada saja tantangan dan godaan. Saya pernah mengalaminya. 
Suatu hari di malam minggu, saya diberi undangan disco time sweet seventeen dari 
teman saya, dengan bintang tamu artis terkenal, tapi di saat yang bersamaan ada 
PD kaum muda di Gereja. Tentu saja saya harus memilih. Saya bukan orang muda 
yang hebat dan dengan tegas mengatakan, “Yaa pilih Gereja donk. Ngapain ke 
sweet?? Tuhan itu di atas segala – galanya.”
Saya pun mengalami yang namanya dilema.
“Duuh, gimana yaa… Gw dtg PD ato ikut disco time yah?” tanya batin saya. 

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