Friday, September 17, 2010

Being an idiot ???

I'm feel like an idiot n I just realize that I'm an idiot today! Love stories always introduce many of us into what is called "dream" "fantasy"... Our mind already focuses to "that" someone... HAHA... we are as the idiot who cannot think and forgot what the last thing we do. I experience that moment which I forget all things and I concentrated my life to "that" guy. The guy that I do not know before... ^^ Wasting time, wasting energy to think about a MAN -.- What an idiot thing to do??

The time when I looked at him and passed by him, I am very excited and my best friends always says, "Dut, u are so blushing :$..." I'm just smiling :) My act is always like that when I saw him ^^ (idiot thing)

When we talk about love, we definitely have the feel that is elusive (hard to describe) and we just think about ourselves. We have the feel of attraction and people will feel awkward about us... Our enthusiasm/ eager arise suddenly without we realized it. This feel comes up under our consciousness. However, this lovesick problem cannot become the base or the foundation to where we lie our eternal love...

  Just share what I have read from the book "When God Writes Your Love Story"


  1. wah...wah...nice sharing, aku setuju 100% hehehe...
    boleh neh share2 apa yg didapat dr buku tsb :)
    btw thx dah follow ya Christ, follow balik ah hehe


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