Monday, June 14, 2010

Traditional vs. Modern

wondering about the term above, I made my conclusion through my own observations...
Traditional means something old, but natural; whereas, Modern/ Luxury means something new and improved. I want to ask u guys, "Can I use both of them together?" meaning that I combined the traditional with the modern. It seems like that modern has revolt many things..

Many new technologies and inventions have been exist to this world. However, it causes many people to be lazy and do not work hard for their own future. Although there are many advantages to this case, I think that if we possible use by our own hand, why we have to use machine? I do not agree with the world of machine.. Everything use machine or remote where we just sit and the remote will do it for us.. :( it makes people lazy. We can use machine, but on the other hand, we are created by God to be smart!

Everything is about money. Money can buy anything. Gadgets such as laptop, hand phone, etc are distractions. For example,  what is the purpose of a hand phone? to communicate with people, to send messenge, etc.. On the other hand, many people use hand phone not for their purposes. Besides that, they use hand phone for chatting and not doing productive thing. In this case, I actually doing these things also, but I want to change! Btw, it is ok for us to use hand phone for chatting, but what we are doing right now are annoying or distract us from God's purpose?? There is no limit to where we should limit it, but we should know our capabilities and realize how important it is... By our own thoughts, it is distract us. You can think of another example by yourself.. hehe :)

Another example: GUN! dorrr >_<
The purpose of guns is to shoot bad people. Nowadays, many people uses guns for playing. In addition, guns are used to threatened people that are not wrong.. what in this world can be like strangers -.-

Traditional seems old, but it is natural. In the 80s or 90s, people are working by themselves since their young age. No electronic devices, no televisions, etc, but they still can live until now. "Jaman dahulu jg, org2 jarang sakit dan pake obat2 herbal.. itu lebih manjur walaupun skrg banyak obat jg" "Apaan skrg malah ada obat tidur lah, obat kuat lah = ='' What things are those things? :S

I had love to live in the "perdesaan", but until now, I don't know where would I go with... I want to live back then, where we all work (pretend that we are poor), helping other needy people ^^

Anyone would follow me to the idea of BACK TO NATURE?? I would like to (Y)
My idea is that I want to have a modern house with a back to nature theme... hihi

There are many things I would like u to know more about traditional things, but this is already long and basicly this is what I'm trying to say to u guys... hehe...

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