Saturday, October 9, 2010

God's Miracle

God's Miracle is indeed happening around us.. A week ago, Roy is planning to celebrate Kezee's birthday and today is the time! We invite kezee to eat @ the Nest, Kuningan Place... where roy inhabited this apartment.. the environment is good to eat at the nest, but it's open at 11, and now the clock still strikes 10.. we moved to another restaurant, Ranch Market @ Oakwood, Mega Kuningan... it's very near from there ^^

With my DSLR camera, everyone is excited to take photos! lol... roy and louis eat Dori Fish; kezee and I eat Turkey steak! ;) what a pleasant food, environment, and friends ~(^_^)~

Our stomach is occupied by all those foods :D next destination is go back to the apartment again to meet Paul.. because he is the person who brought the surprise for Kezee! aw aw aw, it's a flower!! Photo sessions are being held again with the birthday girl... UNFORTUNATELY, Jessica was unable to come (>_<)

On our way back to the car after eating, Roy forgot the parking ticket... aduhh... searching all around the car, we did not find the ticket :( And, sound was ringing from his car... ohh it's sms from God! ehhh,, when he is flipping his Bible once, it turns out the ticket was there!! Praise God!! 

At last, we do not pay for the charge of the lost ticket :D:D Yipee!!
God's miracle is indeed happening all around us ;)

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