Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Fail Prepares Way to SUCCESS!!!

Whatever that happen in my life or even in your life, we cannot determine it and we know that we cannot predict what is ahead of us in the future.. If so, we can be the *peramal masa depan*. I think that we as a human, to fail is fine because it is the first step to reach the success itself. We just wait and see what the good results that we get in return of the good things that we do. However, not always good things or deeds that we do are measured by the mistakes that we do in our daily life, but it is just for the comparison between the others and us. The mistakes that we do is rather stupid or make sense. The main point that I want to emphasize is everything that we do today is as an experience or a learning method to look unto the future so that we will have the better life in the years ahead with a wise decision that we made.

Every person in the world definitely have been gone through bad times once in his/her life. I say this sentence because I want you to understand that life is full of challenging and it is like a journey that it cannot come back whatever we want to... haha xp IMPOSSIBLE!!

Don't run away from REALITY!
Today's life is yours...
Be happy in every second of your life :)
Success is ahead of you if you follow the steps
Fail?? It's OKAY...

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