Friday, September 17, 2010

Being an idiot ???

I'm feel like an idiot n I just realize that I'm an idiot today! Love stories always introduce many of us into what is called "dream" "fantasy"... Our mind already focuses to "that" someone... HAHA... we are as the idiot who cannot think and forgot what the last thing we do. I experience that moment which I forget all things and I concentrated my life to "that" guy. The guy that I do not know before... ^^ Wasting time, wasting energy to think about a MAN -.- What an idiot thing to do??

The time when I looked at him and passed by him, I am very excited and my best friends always says, "Dut, u are so blushing :$..." I'm just smiling :) My act is always like that when I saw him ^^ (idiot thing)

When we talk about love, we definitely have the feel that is elusive (hard to describe) and we just think about ourselves. We have the feel of attraction and people will feel awkward about us... Our enthusiasm/ eager arise suddenly without we realized it. This feel comes up under our consciousness. However, this lovesick problem cannot become the base or the foundation to where we lie our eternal love...

  Just share what I have read from the book "When God Writes Your Love Story"

Sunday, September 5, 2010


thanks to Paul, Roy, Jess, n Kez... u light up my day n I will never forgot that moments where we have fun at Kezee's house ^^

The day when we all gathered up to have a plan visiting Kezee's house ends up very exciting and interesting. Fortunately, we also can see her father ^^,. Walking door by door, we could see her house and her bedroom with her dressing closet and toilet in it... (what a great room!, I want to have one like that :P) Three till five steps, we can sit nearby where Kezee and her brother play with her computer. There are many family pictures posted on the wall. @ Kezee, u are very grateful to have ur wonderful family =D
One of our stomach sounds hungry... hmm :S................. LET'S EAT!!!

@Kezee's bro's room
in front of Kezee's house
Be prepared Kezee for the cockroach!! For the small cockroach, it's ok for me. However, the big one is really disgusting and nasty :( Luckily, Roy's car is full with the small cockroach... Fiuhh! Jess, Paul, and I are courageous to hit it.. (tapi kan kasian :P) All the way to the resto and the way back from the resto, Kezee are uneasy and feel uncomfortable to sit at the car >_<

eat at Bintaro
Kezee's recommendation to eat @ Burger and Grill, Bintaro ;) Wew!! our clothes look colorful today,, (padahal ga janjian loh hihi ^^) Jess n I are eating grilled spaghetti and bluberry pancake that day <3... Roy ate blueberry pancake too... Kezee ate bradwurst hotdog :0... last, Paul ate fried rice with grilled chicken! To sum up all what we ate on 1st September, 2010, are paid by Roy (",) THANKS TO ROY!

Burger & Grill
Trio Glasses
Times Up!! it's time for me to end this story at the same time to end this Bintaro visit with Kezee.... hehe xP The time for us to say goodbye and next time, we will visit Bintaro or another interesting places... Actually, my wish is to go to Bogor to visit Christine's house n to eat at her restaurant ^^, but let's see... We don't have a plan yet!

Friday, September 3, 2010


      Kapan pun kita berusaha untuk mencari-cari celah, saat itulah kita mulai bersikap tidak taat. —JAL
Tuhan, tolonglah kami ‘tuk berserah kepada-Mu,
Untuk mengikut dan menaati-Mu,
Daripada mencari-cari celah
‘Tuk membela perbuatan dosa kami. 
Apa pun alasan yang kita buat untuk tidak menaati Allah,
Dia tetap menyebutnya sebagai ketidaktaatan.

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