Monday, August 16, 2010

ABC of Friendship

A - Accepts you as you are
B - Believes in you
C - Calls you just to say “hi”
D - Doesn’t give up on you
E - Envisions the whole of you, even the unfinished parts
F - Forgives your mistakes
G - Gives unconditionally
H - Helps you
I - Intimately knows you inside-out
J - Jolly at your company
K - Keeps you close at heart
L - Loves you for who you are
M - Makes a difference in your life
N - Never judges
O - Offers ceaseless supports
P - Picks you up
Q - Quiets your fear
R - Raises your spirit
S - Says nice things about you
T - Tells you the truth when you need to hear it
U - Understands you
V - Values you
W - Walks beside you
X - Xplains when you won’t listen
Z - Zaps you back to reality!
Figure your own ABC’s! :)

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